Katelynn’s story: Mental Health Week “People change, people get better!”
Gaspesian Voices: Daniel Côté
Gaspesian Voices: Turas with Mary Robertson
Gaspesian Voices: Martha Patterson
Gaspesian Voices: Gilles Gagné
Gaspesian Voices: Jimmy Levesque Part 2
Gaspesian Voices: Jimmy Levesque Part 1
Gaspesian Voices: Jeff Patterson

Gaspesian Voices: Jeff Patterson Gaspé’s Jeff Patterson is one of the instigators of the Facebook group, Wakeham-York History Club, which has proven to be a success with people from the area. He talks about the genesis of the group, his reaction to its success, and his own passion for the history of his home area. …
Gaspesian Voices: Nadia Brodeur

Gaspesian Voices: Nadia Brodeur Nadia Brodeur has recently been appointed President of the board ofdirectors of the Birthplace of Canada’s Corporation (Corporation duBerceau du Canada). In this episode of Gaspesian Voices Nadia talks tous about her youth in Gaspé, her passion forlocal history, and thechallenges she faces in her new role. Podcast by Vision Gaspé-Percé …